Inspiration from Iceland: A knitters collection - This beautiful collection has a wide range of intricate and practical pieces. Knitting gauge necklace with sizes 2.0 mm to 10mm. Knitting gauge bracelet hat is also an extension of other chains. The line gives the possibility that everyone can implement their jewlery while it is also a tool. The chic ruler necklace is incredibly useful as it can be used as both a working tool for knitting as well as a fashion accessory. The necklace chain is 53cm so can also be used as an extension for other chain pieces in the My Pearl collection including the belt as well the bracelet. The collection also features a selection of freshwater pearls in several colours which can be used as elegant earrings and stitch markers. Silfas’ latest collection ‘My Pearl’, is a selection of unusual pieces perfect for knitting and working ornaments. Silfas’ pieces are practical as well as fashionable and can be your jewels to own in Fano knitting festival. What could be more perfect than having a beautiful pair of earrings that also double up as a stitch marker? Part of the ‘My Pearl’ collection, Silfa’s playful earrings are available in both gold and silver. High-polished medical steel is used throughout the entire collection ensuring all pieces are totally hypoallergenic and stay in excellent condition.
